
Hate Mail

"You know i truely hope that one day you have a child that is mentally ill, and that this child has a teacher like this lady, and that someone takes the things that he/she does(which most have no control of) and documents it on a web site for all to laugh at. Than maybe you can see how others feel. You both need to be taken out to a field and left for dead because you are a waste of a human soul and body. I personally will make sure that geocities finds out what is on this web site and i hope they will take it off and never let you or this bitch have a site on geocities again. I am just one of a larger community of on-line users who are getting sick and tired of this crap being allowed on the internet. I am now forwarding this site to that larger community and hopefully through us all you will be gone."
"All I want to say is that this site DISGUSTS me. I have worked with the mentally challenged. They are some of the nicest, sweetest people I have ever known. I know that it's a stressful job. But, if you can't handle it, then get out of the profession & go work w/ penguins in Antartica! I can NOT believe that a teacher can be so insensitive! I have a physical disability. If I had you for a teacher, I'd demand that you be fired!"
"I just wanted to let you know 2 things. 1 I have a son with Down Syndrome, he is the light of my life. He might be mentally REtarded, but he can do a lot of things on his own. And no shit in his pants is not one. The second thing is I HAVE BEEN A SPECIAL ED AIDE, and I LOVE ALL THE KIDS THEY ARE MUCH BETTER THAN MOST "NORMAL" KIDS. As for you Brody, or Riti I think both of you should get together so all of us NON LOVERS can come to you and FLOG the hell outta you. Because our children that have SPECIAL NEEDS aren't any of the such you say, why? BECAUSE YOU THE "CREATOR" AND YOU WHAT supposed TO BE CALLED A "TEACHER" are the ones that are STUPID and MESSED UP IN THE HEAD. PLEASE DO TALK TO SATIN, YOU WOULD BE DOING EVERY ONE A FAVOR BY BURNING IN HELL! God wouldn't want to have you in heaven! Hell If I knew you were near my son, I would shove your legs so far up your own ass that you would have to learn to be "SPECIAL.""
"I cannot imagine anyone in the teaching profession to 'poke fun' at the mentally challenged! If you truly understood their plight I personally don't think you would put it in print. I also think if this was one of your children it would not be as funny to you. I believe in a sense of humor, but when you have so many parents fighting for their children to 'fit' in on everyday issues, this comes across very offensive. The word Tard would not be found in any educational book. They do use terms such as Retard, Mentally Ill and Mentally Challenged. Life can be comical when dealing with a Mentally Ill (my choice words) person on a daily basis, they do not comprehend nor understand everything the way we do. There is a big difference between smiling at someone's antics or pointing them out making a scene. It does hurt others feelings, they do understand when they are being made fun of. It also demoralizes them, God created every person as he wanted....and it was n! ot to amuse the human race. Please take the time to think how angry you would be with the sight if this was a child of yours!"
:"You people are disgusting, rude and totally without couth.  Notice, no spelling or grammatical errors.  I suppose on Saturday night you throw a few down and get out your KKK cap and go out for a ride.  Wonderful website.  Have some respect for humanity. You are the people who are avoided in the teachers' room.  You may not realize it, but you are."
"YOU ARE GOING TO HELL. But the authors believe that if they have to live it anyway, someone might as well take some enjoyment from it. EXCUSE ME? Why would anyone find enjoyment out of making fun at someone else?   Where in the world do you digusting people get off making fun of someone who has challenges. HOW DARE YOU???  I am so appalled! How fortunate that you consider yourself "normal" because I do not. If you are normal than I thank God my son is challenged because he is a caring, wonderful human being who would never hurt anyone. You are an embarrassment to the human race! You are a cruel worthless being! Obviously you do not remember that ONLY people who need to build themselves up because they have poor self esteem put other people down. Most people learned this in elementary school..... you loser."
"I just wanted to say that I love reading your stories. I can tell you really care about the kids and they are lucky to have a teacher who thinks of them so often. I'm thinking of being a teacher (not 'tards' but new york city school wich might be just as bad... ) Reading this blog has helped me to expect the un expected and rather than stress out over it have the sense of humor to go on and tackle it. Thanks!"
"You're both sick. You obviously no nothing of the heartache of having a child with a disability. Being disabled is only a car-wreck away for any of us....hopefully sooner for you. I hope you don't really work with disabled kids and if you do, I hope you end up in jail for abuse. You're horrible people."
"I guess I can see that you are as burnt out as I feel sometimes working with special needs children. I saw the first few stories as funny, but the more I read, the more I was sickened by the attitude displayed.  I deal with lots of kids who fit the stories you tell, but while they make me want to scream and shout, I still go home at night and shed tears over where they are and how to reach them.  Not the easiest job in the world, but the satifaction of the few and far between victories keeps me coming back. (golf does the same thing for me)  I hope you don't continue in  what you obviously dislike and seem to have no compassion for.  Find a regular ed job and work with kids who will meet your expectations. I know we are as teachers now being expected to raise the undiciplined children of undiciplined parents...but if not us....who?  I guess this is listed under hate mail...because I dislike your site."
"You are truly a sorry excuse for a sped teacher. My son is a straight "A" High Functioning Autistic with behavior problems. He is in the main stream with with a very strong IEP, the teachers know not to fuck with my kid or I will have their jobs. I hope some day you and I cross paths, we will make you life miserable."
"These poor children, without the proper behavior modification, educational modifications, occupational therapy and physical threapy they do not have any chance of leading normal productive lives. All you people laughing it up at these kids expense will be happy to know that you will be supporting them for the rest of their lives. Since this teacher is not doing her job. When you get your paycheck (if you actually have a job) the part where it reads social securtity witheld, well just write one of these childrens names in there. In fact i think the teacher and everyone thinking this is funny should just submit their name and social security numbers so we can let the goverment know that you would love to support these kids because you apperciate the fact they are being denied any educational benefits at the expense of your entertainment. I think this is only fair, since you are taking away any chance of them leading any type of normal productive life. Oh and ! yes they can lead normal lives, it has been proven over and over that with proper supports they can live normal lives! Here are some examples of people that suffered from mental or emotional problems -Albert Eienstien, Sir Issac Newton, Alexander Graham Bell and this is just a few. None of these kids will ever be given a chance though. So whoop it up just be prepared to open your wallet while your doing it."
"Rita is a coward and skank. She needs to find some other healthier ways to get her jollies. Her self-esteem must be really low to find amusement in what she does. It is sad. I pity you both..."
"Just wanting to let you know in the nicest and friendliest way possible that I find your "humour" to be the most cowardly I have ever come across. I also find it genuinely disturbing that you think your mean-spirited swipes are an acceptable way of relieving the stress of your job. Not to mention how you think bullshitting your students is just a way of expressing your love for them. You say that you love the kids you teach. But after reading some of your stories, it's pretty obvious that this is an outright LIE. It's obvious that if you "love" them than you wouldn't derive enjoyment out of causing pain and anguish to these people. Go directly to hell, politely of course."
"When I wrote a note previously I failed to express my thoughts about the term "tard:" I changed the answer to the question, "How many tards do you know?" I know a lot of people with mental retardation but no "tards." What is a "tard?" As far as I know "tard" is not a word. I assume you mean people who are mentally retarded. But, as we all know, it serves to dehumanize our fellow human beings when we refer to them in derogatory, demeaning, or devaluing terms. There is nothing new about this. Such words as "nigger," "chink," "gook," "wap," "pollack," etc., etc., have been arround a long time. Devaluing others does not make you look better or even feel better, in the long run. Please believe me on this. I can only assume that you people and people like you have immense insecurity to need to try to feel better about yourselves at the expense of people who cannot in any way defend themselves."
"Just because you are jealous of these kids doesn't mean you have to be so bitchy about it. Stop trying to make these children rational and lawful like the rest of us. Stop trying to make them capitalize letters where they don't want to. These are the only people who are born different from everybody else. Do you really have to go out of your way to make them normal? Hey, teacher, leave the tards alone!"
"This site is made for updating Riti Speed's daily experiences with mentally challenged people, and making jokes about them and the things they do, correct? I think you should seriously consider closing this site down, just because of the amount of damage you're causing society. This site is raising every reader's stupidness level, including mine, down to the all time low (aka. your level). But fortunately I still have enough sense in my brain to say that just beacuse people are born retarded without choice, it doesn't mean that it opens up an opportunity for partially sane people like you to just joke and laugh about things they do, that they can't help doing. It is wrong in any case to take advantage of people, retarded or not. Try and be yourself and not coverup your undoubtably queer personality when loving and caring parents come to pick up their kids? Those hilarious jokes you chant to yourself during class, in hopes that your nut-sized brain can hold it in until you post on this site.. yea those jokes. Why don't you spill some of those jokes into the parent's ears? It's not good to be a phony; just be who you are. Be proud. Why do you keep your job anyway? Does it boost your morale and keep your alcohol-filled depressing life a little better, to think that you're only a person who makes jokes about retarded people, and not actually retarded? Have you ever considered making jokes about yourself, instead of about the handicaped students at your school? I suggest you entertain everyone in your class by talking degrading things about yourself. True, the students might not know what you're talking about, but when you laugh, they laugh, right? This way, you know in your heart, that you're not purposely poking fun at other people's misery.. even if they don't realize it. Instead, you are naming countless items that make you the stupid person you are. You can then think about why you are stupid and not smart like the retarded kid sitting right in front of you. Even though you will never be able to correct your errors in your life, you can still note what they are. If degrading yourself gets boring, try and call your fellow faculty members to your house one night and just have a good time. Throw some insults at each other and diss each other out like your god-given pointless lives depended on it. I truly believe this is a much better hobby than cracking jokes and finding humor regarding retarded kids. You might even consider quitting your job, beacuse the highlight of your day has changed from joking about "tards", to just plainly finding another one of your faults. After a few days of listing all your faults, you might finally realize why you're even living. You have so done so many wrong deeds and since your life is so depressing and dim and dark like feces, what's the point, huh? It's not bad after you kill yourself either, it won't hurt anyway. After taking my advice to just commit suicide, you can happily think.. "OH DAMN, I've finally done something good in this world! I've successfuly trashed myself, without help from anyone else, which makes me just about a billion marks away from reaching the normality of retarded kids in the world!" I'm not sure if you can decipher the encrypted keys embedded within this email, but I'll let you ponder anyway, over this being a love or hate mail. Good luck on the tasks I have told you to do."
"I think this would be so much funnier if it were your own mentally retarded child you were making fun of, don't you? Oh, that's right! You wouldn't even be doing this if that were the case! Yuck it up all you want, because you never know, you just might have a mentally retarded child one day and I bet it won't be funny at all then. And if you DO have a mentally retarded child one day, won't it be so comforting to wonder if his teacher is just as "professional" as "Riti Sped? Oh, and "Riti Sped," huh? How very, very unoriginal and droll. Why the pseudonym anyway? Since you obviously don't think there is anything wrong with any of this, why not give your real name? Oh, that's right! Because not only would you lose your current job, you'd be very hard pressed to get another. Oh, and more than likely sued and have and your teacher's certification revoked as well. Wonder why that would happen? Hmmmm.......maybe it has something to do with it being unprofessional, among other things! You may want  to consider updating your resume soon----I hear McDonald's is hiring."
""Brody," I hope you do have the law degree  that you claim to have-----you're going to need it!"
"I could, like the other emailers, berate you for your apparent cruelty, immaturity, inhumanity, etc, but there would be little point, as you seem pretty unconcerned. So, let me say this: Don't fool yourself by calling this blog a "stress reliever" or even "funny." Special ed. teachers certainly need to blow off stress and sometimes you just have to laugh at life or go nuts, but your site goes way beyond the realm of appropriate humor. Please consider finding a new career. You seem miserable with the one you have now, and you certainly can't be helping your students any, seeing as you refer to and treat them as animals. Please stop torturing the mentally retarded and find a job that can make you happier and less repellent."
"I tried very very hard while perusing your site to put myself in your shoes (although chances are they are the wrong size and none too comfortable). Then, upon finding this several shades of impossible, I realized something: why should I bother, if you cannot even try to understand your students?
For starters, you referred to your autistic student as a nutcase. That's a very outdated, Bettleheim-esque view. Autism is not schizophrenia or any other kind of psychosis-it is a neurodevelopmental difference, which is something you should, but apparently DONT, know.
Another thing you may not realize: many people with mental retardation KNOW they are not like the other kids, and it hurts when people point it out to them. It may take them hours or even longer to realize that they are being made fun of, but when it hits them, it hurts just as badly as it would for you. The same goes for your autistic student-kids on the spectrum know they are different, and they take lots of crap for it. It is bad enough from other school kids-teachers should be discouraging the mockery, not joining in!
How do I know all this? Because I am high functioning autistic. That's right, Im a so called "tard", at least if you ignore one teensy tinsy insignificant little detail-an IQ that approaches 200. This means that in all likelyhood, compared to me YOU are the cognitively impaired one, as are the vast majority of intellectual peons who surround me. Apparently, however, my self esteem is higher than yours (which should strike most people as pretty pathetic given what growing up supreme;ly different can cause to be done to a kid), as I dont feel the need to ridicule people who I percieve as "lower" than myself because of a label or a test score.
Try to put yourself in the place of your kids. Really TRY. You owe it to them."
"Jesus fucking christ on a stick. This site is fucking evil. I mean, yeah, I can have a streak of nasty mean humor too, but you are just plain CRUEL to these kids. Haha so funny you can make fun of them to their face and they don't care. Damn.. I'm just totally speechless. I don't know whether to be horrified or scared that there are actually people like you teaching children. No wonder our educational system sucks so hard. I guess the adage is right "Those who can, do. Those who can't teach."
"I was just wondering where in the hell you get off talking about these kids like this, you say you have a license in special education and that gives you the right to make fun of these people because of all you go through with them, well if you don't like the job then get the hell out! I spent most of grade school years in special ed classes and I understand that mentally challenged people do some strange things and yes, some of these kids can be dangerous but you have no right to make fun of these people. Just to remind you these kids don't have control of some of their mental or physical capabilities. Apparently, they are far more intelligent, sensitive and compassionate then you are. Go ahead, write me back, we'll go round and round some more. I have a lot more to say about you and more expletives I could use to describe you."
"Dear Whoever, I am not only offended, appalled and disgusted, I am truly sad for you as a human being. There is absolutely no way you should ever touch the lives of children let alone educate them. This site shows an unethical soul, morally starved and in desparate need of repentance and a new career. Do the world a favor. Quit teaching, remove this hideous site and stay away from children."
"You might want to think about taking this blog down if you want to keep your job. It didn't bother me at all, probably because my Mom worked in a psych ward, but you really should not underestimate the determination of others you have obviously pissed off. Given the popularity of this site, this blog has probabably already reached some school system and outraged many people. and Brody (who i personally think is an arrogant annoying little shit but who will probably be extremely successful in life since his type are usually rewarded) should know about how fast things get around on the internet. better get your resume together."
"Subject: Love mail! 
LOVE MAIL NOT!!! OMG! I am competely and utterly disgusted. Obviously you people are going straight to hell!! Don't you realize what you people call "tards" are?? They are angels. They are the most special people in the world. This teacher might as well be the antichrist herself if she can do this to such children and expect other people to get a laugh out of it! I have a sister who is mentally retarded and I wouldn't want her any other way. Plus, I would never want anyone laughing at how she behaves. I mean look at you guys and this stupid sight? Its obvious that yall are going to go far in life if yall can sit here and make fun of people that can do nothing to defend themselves. Don't you realize that one day you could be in a car accident and because mentally handicapped yourself?? Would you want people laughing at you then? Words can't even express how angry I am at this. The only reason I know about this site is b/c a friend of mine's boyfriend found it and told me that I should read it and write yall. I really hope you people and that disgusting teacher cant sleep at night knowing that the reason our generation is going to hell is because of yall. These children don't need to be made fun of, but helped. They didn't ask to be like that. And all they can do in return is love everyone they come in contact with. I really hope you listen to this and that it gets to you because I've never read something more disgusting in my life. That teacher doesn't deserve to be in contact with such special children. If I could ever find out who this teacher is, I would have her teaching certificate yanked from her as fast as I could. I pray to God that my sister never ends up with a teacher like that. Please write me back with a response, unless you are to coward to let me know what you think."
"To the special education teacher: You are a cruel and horrible person for putting yourself in an environment where you are supposed to help children with lives more difficult than most people can even imagine and instead of cherishing the experiences you may have with these kids that are rewarding you focus on the difficult and use these instances to entertain those around you. I, too, have felt the frustration of being hit by an autistic child or cussed at, but I have never felt it would be okay for me to use the terms that you choose when describing your students. You are an example of how badly the special education system in this country needs GOOD teachers to teach the kids. You disgust me."
"Ineresting column. But, who is the "tard" here? -Obviously the teacher. It is easy to see why education is so fucked up, why kids can't read, why outcomes for students with disabilities is so lousy. I bet Riti blames all the problems on the parents. This is as sad as it gets. Please don't ask me to loosen up. I think I will start a column on teacher tards and how they are ruining this country. I think the number of teacher asshole stories will outweigh what is written here - and Riti's students should be asked to contribute even though they probably can't write after being with her for a year."
"You people are disgusting. I know you think you are simply having fun, but you are no higher up than people in the KKK who rip others apart because of their skin color. It is people like you, whoever the hell you think you are, that make this world such a difficult place for others to live in. One of you actually complained about the fact that you went to school for five years to do what you are doing. Well congratulations moron. You chose it yourself. The fact that you don't like it doesn't give you a right to take it out on poor innocent children who have no capability of defending themselves. The only reason I've ever seen people make fun of others is to put themselves on a pedastol, and this typically only happens amongst children or adults with a lack of emotion and understanding. You are a disgrace to mankind, and you need to grow up."
"Dear Mr. Brody and Ms. Sped:
Several years ago I was having dinner with a couple of friends when our waitress arrived to take our drink order. She evidently had cerebral palsy or some other neurological impairment, as she walked with a pronounced limp. One of the guys I was dining with (I no longer call him a friend) began to make fun of the waitress as soon as she left to get our drinks. I turned to him and said, "you know, that could just as easily be you." Three weeks later he fell off a motorcycle and suffered brain damage. He now walks with a very awkward stagger. For some reason, he no longer finds jokes about people with disabilities funny. I would not wish the same fate on you or anybody else, but I would ask you to consider how you would feel if the joke were on you."
"You nasty bitch. You should only burn in hell."
"A friend of mine who knows my fondness for the humorously-perverse sent me a link to your website. What I thought was going to be funny stories about the things that the kids do turned out to be nothing more than an attack on the kids themselves. After five minutes of reading I felt like I was watching someone kick a puppy to death. Not much sport in your choice of target. Most of what you write sounds like what a 10-year old bully would say (EG: 'Nonetheless, it beats a fucking desk job. And I can talk a lot of shit to the tards and then deny it all."). I can't fathom why you went into teaching in the first place, or what you expected when you signed on for teaching developmentally disabled kids, but taking out your frustrations over low pay and an unhappy career on them...... Here's a New Year's resolution for you: Get a new job. Based on what I can read of your personality I would recommend working on a veal farm (no "desk-job" worries there) or as a vivisectionist. Barring that, try picking on those idiots (and there are PLENTY) who do not have biological/neurochemical excuses for their behavior. I'm a little suspicious that this site may just be satirical (I have a little difficulty believing that 'Sped' is actually a woman or a teacher now that I think about it) and if so, it's still sophomoric."
"I can't believe you are still at this. I really hate you both so much. It consomes much of my time, this hate I have for you guys. I hope your houses burn down on Christmas."
"What you are doing is sick- very sick. You are exploiting children with developmental and psychological problems. SHame on you both. Brody- you need to go get yourself a "small island" and live there. Take "Riti Sped" with you. You two can crack all the jokes you can think of, starve and die. No one will even care. And Riti Sped- I teach second grade, and you are a disgrace to the entire teaching profession. May you both burn in hell"
"I guess you might consider this a mail of criticism. The enjoyment you reference there is more along the lines of lording over disabled kids by only describing the stories that quantify them as "retarded and stupid." I'm a counselor within the Denver Public School system and have seen and worked with my share of disabled kids, most notably at an RTC (Residential Treatment Center). Sure, there was always something mildly humorous about this one kid in particular who would often eat his own boogers and slur his speech, but, when one realizes that the same disabilities that leave him predisposed to do "dumb stuff" also play a role in holding him back (which was seen all too often during times when we would have to restrain him, when he's cry out for a mother that sexually abused him and asked her to get him out of there), it somehow becomes less funny."
"Brody, I hope you and your "Riti" creation both die."
"[Riti] I can't believe you have done this. Your brother forwarded me this, on accident I would assume. You could be barred from education if you are found out. I have been telling you to think before you speak for twenty some years, and suggest you start listening to me. This type of behavior is very unprofessional.
Your Mother"