
Love Mail

"Hey as an elementary teacher for 10 years (I am now, thank God -or submitt any other higher authority you wish- am home w/ my little one) I so enjoyed your comments/ reflections. The most depressing part about teaching for me was the lack of any humor what so ever on the part of any adult I dealt with. Its nice to know you have two brain cells and can do your job well, while still maintaining a realistic outlook on life (i.e. mocking and finding the extreme humor in it all). I look forward to reading more! Thanks."  
"I've been reading this site for awhile, I think since it was put up actually.  And every once in awhile I check back.  At first I thought to myself this is sick, what kind of weirdo would do this.  Then I took a look at myself..and I!!!  I've been reading a lot of the hate mail, and the theme is if you were disabled you would feel differently.  Ok well I am.. I walk with a noticible limp and have several medical problems...and I'm under the age of 18...does that stop me from laughing?  Heck no it doesn't.  Sure your a bit of a weirdo...but aren't we all.   Personally....Its obvious you do love these kids cause you stick around...but at the same time you give people like me a chance to laugh at someone else...I appreciate that...  So thank you..."
"Your site is simply one of the funniest and most entertaining I have ever seen. I love it, completely. Thank you for sharing your job and life in a no-punches-pulled way that few would have the guts to do."
"This site has me ROARING!! I'm a certified occupational therapy assistant-have been for over a decade, and my entire career has been in the public school systems. Prior to that, I was employed in a direct care facility with the multiply handicapped. I've noticed people who don't work with/have a lot of contact with the handicapped do NOT understand how I can find them amusing. Personally, I think they're more real and open then our administration, and a hell of a lot funnier."
"I just finished reading the story of the play. I laughed, I cried, and I admire you. I have a lot of respect for teachers, but what you do is amazing. I stumbled into this website. I did not realize I was going to have such a profound experience. Thank you. I would subscribe to this!"
"It's been a very long time since I read *every single thing* on a website; I just did on yours. It's hilarious, it's brilliantly written, and your love of your job shines out of every sentence (no matter what the hate-mailers say). Thank you."
"I wanted to applaud Riti and Brody for putting this site out there. I taught for 5 years and have dealt with some funny ass situations. Miss Sped - you have a great sense of humor and this is coming from someone who loves kids and people. The kids are lucky to have such a human for a teacher. I love the "I hate you" message that one of the kids left your sub. And the poor kid who shat in the bathroom trashcan - that was great. But your answer of "poop" to the gal who asked what you ate over the weekend threw me over the top. I have laughed and laughed and laughed. THIS SITE IS HILARIOUS!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!! I am so glad that you include anecdotes about the parents of these kids - Davids Dad is a real ass. And my god - code brown - how funny. And when you met your student on a beer run and had to sing wheels on the bus. Wonderful. You should be alowed a bong in the teacher's lounge. Hats off to you Miss Sped! You've got the right idea and I am certain that you are doing great things to help these kids further cope with the shittiness they've been born inot. My god - that woman who tried to kill herself a few times - wow. You don't get paid enough, my dear. Feel free to publish my comments. I proudly support you and stand strong in saying you've made me laugh really hard and outloud! Sincerely, a tenured teacher who no longer teaches."
"How is it when I have one of the shittiest days in creation reading a story from either Riti or Brody just make it soo much more pleasant?? People underestimate the power of sarcasm and alcohol. If going to heaven means I can't hang with you 2 in the afterlife, then dammit I'm not going."
"Riti, will you marry me? :)"
"Hiya Riti! Love your site. I laughed myself sick! Don't let hate mail get you down, it's clear you love your kids and if you couldn't laugh at their antics you'd probably break down and cry."
"What strikes me, reading your stuff, is that you actually seem to work hard and treat your kids pretty well. It seems perfectly reasonable to blow off a little steam now and again, and all the better if you give everyone else a giggle. I should think the kids you work with would be the last to complain - I particularly liked the story of them all going off to the theatre and really enjoying the attention they got, even though it wasn't perhaps the kind of attention that you or I would have liked."
"Fucking Brilliant!! IF we can't see the humor in life imagine how painful it would be! Rock on!"
"This is a great site, and a good source for those frustrated with tards. Keep up the good work. P.S. If you're going to be rotting in hell, as one of the hate mail writers suggested, it'll be my pleasure to rot along with you."
"As a teacher of an inner-city school that has many, many, many "tards" and many, many more "BD" (behavior disapline) students who aren't classified as tards but should be and as someone who has been called white ass bitch, crack head fuckin cracker, fuckin' bitch, etc. I just wanted to say I LOVE THIS SITE!!! It is so great to read about (and laugh) another teachers trials and tribulations. And I totally understand why you stay. I have had my life threatned, a gun pulled on me, glass punch out behind my head, my leg almost broken (that from the cops in school who where helping to brake up a fight), my head slamed into a locker (breaking up a fight - again), and an overaged student try to put his hand up my skirt. Still year after year (this is my 4th) I go back."
"I disagree with your hate mailers; they have no idea what it is to teach, especially to retarted children. My parents were both teachers in Alaska, and were the most qualified, so they became the tard teachers. Me, being the gifted son of the tard teachers and peer to the tards, I became the tard tutor. I tell all doubting souls: this is really how it is! Many kids with fetal alcohol syndrome due to the drunken native population, other kids with abusive families, all with mental problems on top of no parental support, dropped off at school with the intention of being raised by a teacher so their parents can get loaded yet again. Apathy is the only recourse when even faked empathy is all worn out. Humor keeps apathy from being your only feeling, and sure makes the day go quicker. Thanks for making my job less tedious!"
"This site just fucking rules. First off, the fact that you can maintain a sense of humor about one of the most difficult tasks on God's earth is amazing. Keep it up. Furthermore, ignore these pompous fucks who criticize you and call you insensitive and intolerant. None of them have probably EVER come in contact with a tard, and their only impression of one is that kid "Corky" that was on TV. Piss off, folks! My cousin is a "tard," and good god can she be funny! So I understand in that regard! I also understand they can be violent little fucks, and you have to vent to ensure you don't punch the little shits right in the face! Cheers!"

"I'm going to the hospital now to have the laughing hernia sewn up. Your site brought me to tears of laughter. Of course, maybe the joke's on me since we're having a baby in a couple of weeks and he may turn out to be a tard. If he is a tard, I'd like to have you be his teacher. If he is anything like me, you'll be shoveling out his drawers twice a day."

"This is the site I have been waiting for all my life. I am a licensed speech therapist and anyone in their right mind that has spent enough time with tards knows that it's not wrong, it's not cruel- it's just plain funny. Anyone who thinks otherwise can just go watch I am Sam for the pretty,sanitized Hollywood tard stories."

"Holy crap! The Tard Blog is great and ought to be a real eye-opener to people. It was to me. When I thought of SpEd I imagined it in a middle-class white setting and that seemed like a hard job already. Add in poverty, drugs, possible deportation of students by parents, prostitution and I think the healthiest response available is the Tard Blog. The twits who write the hate mail don't have a clue. It was clear to me you really cared about the kids you taught. Would those holier-than-thou buttmunches put up with 2 crying kids fighting over their lap at a play, bruises, excrement, or the creepiest freakin' parents I've ever heard of? Not a chance. I love the blog and am amazed at what you deal with. For some reason the bag of rejected nuts made me laugh the hardest. Holy crap!"

"This site SO cool. I donated $10 to special olympics in honor of you Riti. Keep up the good work, and hang in there :)"

"This site is wonderful. Such dark humor from someone who actually does care about the tards. I cannot tell you how many laughs this site brought me on a boring night of enslavement in front of many computers."

"I managed a group home for severly mentally retarded, multiply diagnossed adults for two years and I LOVE your site. My employers were quite surprised that I had made it as long as I did without burnout, I was too. Your site is exactly the type of thing I would have loved to have written at the time, had I had a little more internet skills. The constant drain, the exhausting work and the love is all expressed in what you write. I LOVE your site, thanks! By the way, if you need any stories, I've got a million!"

"Hey guys. I'm a teacher at an alternative campus. A friend of mine sent me a link to and after reading it I immediately forwarded it to the special ed. teacher on my campus! I thought the poor bastard was going to have a stroke from laughing so hard. I see this kind of stuff every day, and I know exactly why Riti has to post it. If I didn't have my own little opportunities to vent, I'd be as screwed up as some of these kids!"

"i work with learning disabilities. they're not "tards" but its got similarities. having just got home from a 12hour shift, and having bruises, pinches, and scratches all over my arms, piss rubbed into my hair, and my ears ringing from one particularly loud, screaming client, i find it very refreshing to be able to laugh at the whole thing. my mostest greatest gratitudousnesses to you all."

"You had the entire sales team in my company in stiches for hours. Keep up the good work. We eagerly anticipate the next update."

"I just wanted to drop a tiny little not saying how fantastic this site is. Anyone who hates it obviously doesn't understand whats going on. You don't "make fun of retards"... you make fun of retards perents, and relate stories about your handicapped class. I genuinly don't see you saying mean things. I see you saying things like "then he shit his pants". Well... yeah... of course thats funny. But its not like YOUR putting shit in his pants. He is. Your just expressing yourself. I would have a problem with this site if you told stories about you being mean to the kids. I would have a problem with this site if you said mean things for the sake of being mean. But you say nice things about them literally whenever possible. I believe you really care about them. Anyway... thanks for the site. I love reading it. And the tard perents? You just keep on making fun of them. They sound like HORRIBLE fucking people, and deserve to die."

"I FUCKING HATE YOU! JESUS CHRIST THIS SITE IS EVIL! Just kidding...heh. This site had me laughing for three hours straight. Hell, I actually lost count, it could have been four or five. I feel kind of bad finding this so funny, but then I think about it and I don't anymore. Hah. If I ever met Riti Sped I would just beg to be a visitor. Not that I want a broken hand or anything, but I would just love to see this for myself."

"I don't know if "Riti" is a real special ed teacher or not, but from my experience in public schools (and an observer of special ed classrooms), her experiences sure sound real. I haven't laughed this hard in years. If a special ed teacher isn't true with their feelings such as Riti, they would totally hate their job. Having a sense of humor is an absolute must in teaching tards. Also, in the teaching field, it is the special ed teachers who burn out the fastest (what a surprise). Hang in there Riti - your tards are lucky to have you as their teacher. The saddest part is often the parents - in the special ed class it was a common saying that the apples don't fall far from the tree. But back to the funny tard stories - keep them coming!! Reading your updates will be the highlight of my days. THANK YOU!"

"Oh, my christ. I wish I had this much fun with my job. I actually cried from laughing so much. Riti, you are an incredible writer."

"I like it. I do. I wanted to be offended, then I wanted to not be offended, then I was just confused. But look: this website is a pleasant little piece of anonymous Simon-Cowell-esque painful truth (and if American Idol has given us so much pain as a culture, at least it has given us someone with the audacity to say "You suck."). My dad works with the mentally handicapped. I've had some experiences with them, as I was growing up. I feel their pain and I truly sympathize with their plight. There are days when I feel a little autistic myself. That said...well, I studied journalism in school, and I did interviews with other people (firefighters, doctors, and the like) who dealt with very emotionally challenging circumstances on a regular basis. Newsrooms will often crack jokes about crime victims, hospitals about accident victims, fire stations about fire victims. It doesn't diminish the tragedy, it simply struggles to take something that perhaps only the Almighty understands, and gives it a funny clown face so we can laugh at it, and cope with it, and keep on living our lives. We laugh to keep from crying, and I respect what you've done here for that."

"I must say that this is no doubt one of the top 10 humor oriented websites around. I believe that there may be some real social merit to this work. Your writing style is forward and to the point. You record and observe at a level of honesty few people are comfortable dealing with within themselves, much less so in a public forum such as this. While people may, at first, find your commentary cruel, especially with the ever growing hyper-PC tendencies of our society, it also seems evident that you have a real love for you chosen profession. This is, imho, commendable. What is even better, however, is your ability to transform what would be a nightmare for many people into a joy. What a world it would be if we could see the absurdity in our existence and in that see humor rather than hopelessness."

"I have a set of 3 nephews, the eldest (8) of whom is autistic and legally blind, the middle (4) one who has severe behavioral disorders, and the youngest (2)who is well on his way to outdoing the weird and wonderful behaviour of the other two. Actually, I doubt very much that the eldest is autistic, but it suits his parents, my siblings in-law, to label him as such because he brings more money into the family by being both blind and autistic. Anyway, your tardblog reads very much like my adventures in nephew babysitting land. It cracks me up. I love my nephews to death and kind of wish their parents would be killed in a car crash tomorrow, but the little sods do such weird things. What else can I do but laugh? Everytime they go home to their parents any semblance of normality that the rest of the family taught them in their some times State ordered prolonged stays, disappears within minutes. Riti, I love you, your teaching methods, and your blog. Thanks for making me laugh, albeit guiltily at fist. I only hope that my nephews teachers have such a healthy outlook on their jobs. If you're ever in my part of New England, look me up and I'll buy you a drink or two. You deserve it."

"Honestly as I type this I can't stop laughing hysterically. I'll have a splitting headache from it in about two hours. Anyway awesome site, not many humour sites that can claim making me laugh so hard I blow pop out my nose onto my keyboard. More than once. I guess you have a pretty shitty job. Gotta beat the stress somehow without decapitating the little bleeders with a adaptive field hockey stick. I do not envy you in the least. You have my sympathies. A friend of mine is a "reetee" teacher. She got some nasty scars from one kid that liked to stab people with any available pointed, or remotely pointed object nearby."

"You write well; you depict these absurd events in such a way that you could be a comedy writer. I can actually picture in my mind's eye the half-naked screaming kid in the rice box. Your descriptions of your own reactions are hysterical. I worked as a paramedic years ago in NY City and dealt with the occasional 'tard'. I understand. Please don't stop writing. I have come to now visit the tardblog each day hoping for more installments."

"I have never laughed harder at anything on the internet. Riti is my personal godess of cruel humor on the deserving, and Brody is a prime candidate for sainthood for hosting her. Good work, and don't let the bastards get you down!"

"First of all, you can tell a damn funny story. This is unbelievably hilarious. It's even OK if it isn't real. The fact that it could be real is funny enough. If it is real...I feel for you."

"Okay, this is my third message to you in less than 24 hours. I don't know where you live, so it's okay. But I just read the submitted stories, and I have to say they are a little sad. As well as making me feel dirty and depressed, they illustrate the fact that not everyone can do comedy. I think it adds just the right touch to the site. I'm even more impressed. When are you going to do a show? If you don't want to do a show, I know a whole slew of amateur actors who need good material like this. You could call it The Tard Blog. My husband does some tard jokes in his act, and I think it would go over well with the kind of audience we've been cultivating here in Austin. We live in Austin, Texas. Don't post this message. People will shoot my dogs."

"I didn't get a chance to read the hate mail last night. I just read it. It's funny, too. I expected the hate mail to shame me into feeling dirty, but it just made me laugh more. I guess I'm on a pedastol, too."

"Okay, because I have a kid in Special Ed myself--not retarded but having behavior problems, I should be really offended by this site ... but I'm not. Kinda sad and hilarious at the same time."

"Found this site after it was MeFi'ed. You probably saw your traffic spike. I read all the hate mail. Some of it is incredible, someone actually saying that they would not have their retard sister any other way? What the fuck? Wow. It's difficult to believe that people can get that worked up about this. Obviously you aren't the Anti-Christ, just someone that's able to keep a sense of humor about things. I was up for a while laughing my ass off, and then reread, and reread. Very funny stuff."

"It's good to see that not all special ed teachers are on a holy mission from God. Anything serious at this level has to be funny. If it's not funny, there's no way to deal with it unless you put your head in your hands and scream."

"First off, I love the site, as I can relate to it. My mom has been a teacher for a while now, teaching in the ghetto of the ghetto of Louisiana. And I've heard several stories over the years, but this one has to be classic. Apparently, the parents are just as retarded as the tards in all respects, as she has had kids with the following names in her class: -Pajama (pronounced "Page-ama") -Syphilis (pronounced "Si-Philyus) -Gonorrhea The kids have no idea what they're names mean, of course, and neither do the parents."

"I'd just like to thank you both for the hours, and I do mean hours, of laughter I got from reading your sites. A friend of mine sent me this page from work, and he had people asking him what the hell his problem was all day because he was laughing insanely at his computer. I'll save you both a seat on the bus to hell with us, I'm sure you'll have some great stories for the ride.  Please keep it up,"

"I found this site open on my home computer tonight. I guess my husband was reading it. I expected it to be porn or something gross, but here I am 2 hours later (I read most of it out loud). You should consider turning this into a show. I think people would love it. Me and my friend Courtney dress up like rats and go out places pretending to be rats trying to integrate into human society. I never realized how retarded we acted until I read the Tard Blog. If we can get a travel grant, maybe the Ratgirls can visit and go with the kids on a field trip. Thanks for doing this. I can't wait to read more."

"I too teach sped; however, I teach highschool sdc. My kids haven't crapped their pants (not that I know of, I will not rule it out). Most my tards are more of the juvenile deliquent type. So far this year three have been arrsted for selling drugs. I don't blame the disability for their behavior, but thier difficulties do add to them getting caught. One of my students (in my mind I call him caveboy because of his large forehead and vocabulary of mostly grunts) decided to sell weed on the street, literally. He stood in the middle of the street next to the school loudly asking everyone who came by if they wanted to get high. when the police asked him where he got it he showed them to his aunts house where he had stolen it from her dresser. So that's one fewer student in my class. thanks for the stories, they make me not feel so bad about the things I think about my little bastards."

"Some people may be offended by it but honestly, get a sense of humor, sheesh.  I noticed that there was no hate mail from special ed teachers but there was love mail... that might imply that (gasp) maybe these kids really *are* not so much fun to take care of full-time."

"You know, everyone bashes this teacher like she's a bad person or something. She isn't bashing the kids or anything, she's just venting. For God's sake, I'd really like to see the people who bitch about this work her job for a week and see if they don't have a few things to say about it. I have a friend who teaches regular kids and he bitches up and down about them sometimes."

"Riti" is human and as such needs to vent. To all you people that get all high and mighty, I suppose you've never bitched about another person in your entire life, huh? get the fuck out of here with that shit. Go preach elsewhere.

"Excellent site. Really, really funny. Half the fun is reading emails from the ignorant douchebags that don't "get it" and are actually offended by this kinda stuff. Sites like,,, and yours display the kind of comic genius that made guys like Andy Kaufmann legends. Keep up the good work."

"My ex boyfriend knows that I am a bleeding heart so when he sent me a page of the journal today, I replied to him that he was "mean!" Well OH MY GOD, I had to go back and read, I swear to god I almost pissed my fucking pants. I was laughing out loud to the point of hyperventilating. Anywho, I still do feel bad but, you have to laugh, I mean I don't know how you keep a staight face when a child sing out 4o degrees when I tell that bitch please. Thanks for the amusement. My mom is a special ed T.A. sometimes when I visit her class I can't control the laughter. She has one little Hatian girl named Kerline who swears that she is a Creole ballerina. Drama queen in the making."

"I am a 1st year Sped teacher...... Thx for your stories. It is my life in a nut shell. I teach high school tards that are convicts, they have been locked up from grand theft auto to attempted murder. Keep up the good work... I plan to send you stories of my own!!!!!!"

"Reading your hate mail was very amusing. What a bunch of sanctimonious pigs!! Your site is great, need more tard stories!!!"

"That is just about the funniest fucking thing I've heard in a long time time. I had to bit my lip from laughing out loud here at the office. I surf the net alot while on the job, and your site has really picked things up for me!! Hang tight, good luck, and have a drink on me!!"

"Just a quick note to thank you for making my day! I've spent most of my morning here at work reading your stories, and I just about peed myself. I think you're a helluva funny gal, and if I had a mongoloid for a kid, I'd probably want you or someone like you teaching him. Your kindness, compassion, and tolerance for the little buggers shines through, no matter how many times you call 'em fuckers, and you seem like someone who treats the kids the way they should be treated -- like people."

"Your log of entries is perhaps one of the most compelling and funny ass things I've ever read. I was a teacher until I got wise and found a job that pays twice as much, but was limited to shitty substituting since there wern't any full time jobs in my subject area. One of my sub jobs was an SBD class that I only had for one day. Those animals had me wanting to commit some kind of act that would probably be classified as a hate crime or something worse. What you do is nothing short of a miracle. I could never do what you do, for how long you do it, for as little as you're being paid. Good luck with your daily circus. You deserve a medal. I'll be reading your logs periodically... Hopefully I don't hear in the news of some Special Ed teacher that committed hari cari by dressing like a deer and visiting a park in the Cincinnati area."

"laugh my ass off at the Tard Blog. But I wonder if Riti fears being found out and winding up on the news... "Special Ed Teacher Jailed For Making Fun of Students!" I can see Fox News having a field day. I just want to express my concern that you change the kids' names and such, so you're not busted. I've passed this site to lots of people; it's great. I totally "get" why you do this. Keep on blogging."

"Just wanted to let you know I was introduced to Tard Blog today via a discussion on the site discussion board. I could not do your job for all the * in *. It is a good thing I am self employed, or my boss would have fired me after I spent most of my day reading your archives."

"As enormously amusing as I found your site, the hate mail section was even funnier. People with no grammatical or spelling skills whatsoever presume to call you stupid. It's the ultimate irony. Love love love the site. :) I laughed my ass off."

"You know. I've spent the past hour reading this site and I laughed hysterically. I can understand why some people would get angry, but what they need to think about is this. Dealing with people who are handicapped is hard. Obviously. I commend you for your effort and patience Riti. When you are handed something difficult, you have to make light of it or it will just drive you fucking insane!! Those of us who laugh aren't cruel and hateful. I know I pity the poor girl with the mother in the reindeer suit *eyeroll* But some of these kids...oh man. I honestly don't know how you do it hon. I applaud you. Even though people thing you are twisted and still go in every day to help these kids learn. You've taken blow after swear word after code brown. This is a way to vent. To see the lighter side of the situation. For your sanity if not for anything else."

"I love the tard blog! I too am a special ed teacher (although I'm not working now as I just moved) and can very much relate to these stories. Who cares if it's not P.C., it's true (unfortunately). One of my better stories involved one of my three year old students (I teach pre-k special needs) telling me to "shut-up nigger". I'm lily white, but then again he's totally blind, so...... I sympathize with your plight. Hopefully writing the blog will help you keep some perspective on the incidents that are funny as anecdotes, but would make you cry if you thought about them too long (praise alcohol). Good luck over the rest of the school year!"

"Your page is horrible JUST HORRIBLE! Please write more as I haven't laughed my ass off this well in a while. (HORRIBLE!)"

"Wish you could be held accountable for murder because I am completely and utterly dead. For the last hour I have been screaming, crying, pasting links to my friends, and just generally lying on the floor in the fetal position whimpering. I will never be the same again."

"Hey there, I just read some of your Tard Blogs, and I have to say that this is some of the funniest shit I've ever seen on the internet. Keep up the the good work with the tards and getting drunk, because I'm sure they'll somehow collide and make for some more comedy gold. Seriously though, keep writing this stuff."

"This is the first time I ever saw this site, and boy, do I have to say, It kicks ass!! I love this site! There are a few tards in my school but they are civilized compared to yours. Nothing in my town will ever beat your tards. Thanks for putting up such an informative, yet entertaining site."

"I totally agree with your statement that this should not be taken as cruel or offensive. I find this a great page and totally awesome to see someone so loving and caring out a bit of humour into something that can be very stressfull. Keep up the good work. I'm looking forward to any updates. Gotta keep on laughing!"

"Oh my god. This is one of the funniest fucking things I've ever read. I've stayed up all night reading this, there is no way I'm going to be able to wake up for class tomorrow. You've made my world a better place all around!"

"At first i thought this was really mean, then as i read and read i started to laugh out loud. i dont feel so bad anymore. not many people would teach a group of 20 retarded kids. see if any one of those hate mail people would do it... Yeah right."

"You know, when a friend showed this page to me, I honestly thought to myself- " Damn. I can't believe someone would have the nerve to become a teacher, much less, special ed... and make fun of the kids. " Then I read the page. I couldn't help but laugh. I can tell Riti really cares about the kids, and does try to do the best for them that she can, but damn... it honestly does have to be hard at sometimes. My mother was an EMT for 12 years, and I KNOW she had to make jokes to light the situation, but no matter how many were made, the intensity of all the events over the years eventually became too much, and she started to decline in hope, and had to give it up. I just really have to say " Good job " for optioning what you do. Someone has to do it, and why the fuck not have some fun with it as well??? Keep it going!"

"You know, after reading this Tard Blog completely I can honestly say if there is a hell you both are going, but I want to drive the bus. I laughed till it hurt, took a breather and went for a second dose. This has got to be the funniest damn shit I've ever read. The tards that dis you are equally hillarious. all in all I love it! Good job!"

"I'm not a special ed teacher, but I understand where you're coming from. I'm a TA, and while I understand that what you deal with is a different order of magnitude entirely, I want to punch and scream at some of my students as well. You need somewhere to vent, you know?"

"You know, after reading this Tard Blog completely I can honestly say if there is a hell you both are going, but I want to drive the bus. I laughed till it hurt, took a breather and went for a second dose. This has got to be the funniest damn shit I've ever read. The tards that dis you are equally hillarious. all in all I love it! Good job!"

"I think this site is great.  I also believe that you are a great special-ed teacher.  And keeping this blog can only help that because it is a good, constructive place to let out your frustration, because, lets face it, "tards" can't be treated like normal people if they don't act like normal people, or at least try.  Keep up the good work and the good fight.  YOu never know, you might very well be making a difference in these kids live's.  It might not be evident now, but some day, one of those kids could be shift manager at their local McDonald's.  Well, hope I made your day Riti, and if not, o well, just wanted to say that no matter what any one else says about this site and you, you are still a good person that takes a lot of shit, a lot more then the average teacher, any way."

"I used to work with SPED kids, I have been kicked and spit on and cussed out. I dont care what other people think- you obviously have to put up with an insane amount of crap and laughing about it is probably the only way to keep from ripping off their arms and beating them with it. I think this is hysterical and I applaud you."

"holy shit, this page is easily one of the funniest websites ive ever been to. every story was simply out of control and i love it. keep up the great work, and if you can post some pics of the tards in action. i would love to see the little "reetees" in their environment. i understand you might not be able to do this b/c you might get caught or something. but either way, keep posting, and as often as possible. thx. by the way, anybody who would mail you as your mother, should be in your class."

"I have spent the past hour or so of my life laughing as hard as I can. Reading this "tardblog" actually made me, in a room by my self, laugh uncontrollably out loud. (Especially when he tore all his clothes off and sat in a box of rice screaming.) Until I read this I don't think I really understood what goes on with special needs kids. I love this section of the site, as much as I love the rest. Then I remembered It reminded me of a story I had heard, that I though you may find humorous. Reading this I remembered that I have a cousin who works with these kids, and story that always stuck in my head was about a child who at the dinner table, when asked to pass the turkey, or the mashed potatoes or something... screamed "So I put it in my ass!!" Now it came to be that he would constantly end EVERYTHING with that very same phrase. Kind of wish I was there to witness it. But the general purpose of this e-mail is to basically say, keep up with the great work. You love you job, and I love reading about it. Thank You."

"As a guy who got dumped in a special school for dyslexia and had to put up with people like this all life, these stories are a breath of fresh air, after always being told to keep polite and quiet, when there's a bloated beast of a kid asking your name every 2 minutes. and from your inspiration i think a word of wisdom. "tards may be human but so are pop band members. both annoy the fuck outta me."

"I just wanted to let you know that this blog has brought me much joy and laughter. Thank you, a thousand times, thank you. Keep up the good work Riti Sped."

"More! More! More tards! I haven't laughed this hard in such a long time... my sincere thanks for the humor."

"Thank you so much for writing this! I was very entertained and I have a new respect for special ed teachers now. Keep on writing, I practically laughed till I died!"

"Dear 'riti' and 'Brody', 
your blog and the wonderful stories in it had me laughing so hard yesterday that i even forgot about my hangover for a good half-hour.  i have a friend who works in the uk with the social services and used to come home with bite-marks around his hands, etc.  the only way to get him through this was via joking with the teachers about the children - and like you, it was harmless and in no way a joke made at the children. i look forward to reading more stories - my sundays have become something to look forward to ! keep up the good blog - and, of course, teaching."

"I just have to say that this is one of the funniest sites I have come across. Please tell me that the story about the mother dressing up as a deer is true. my girlfriend finds it hard to believe, i find it fucking hilarious."

"I must start off by saying that this site is fabulous! very well put together, and I hope that you keep posting! For those people who don't like this...well they don't have to read it. Thank you, you made my day."

"Dear Miss Sped: You and your tardblog are a genuine hoot and is one of the funniest things on the entire net.  there are several tards who have part time jobs at the company i work for. needless to say, they are a source of much guilty humor on a daily basis. "jenny", everyone's overall favorite keeps throwing away all our salt shakers from the break room. she's convinced salt is very bad for us. but she always had a smile and a big "good morning guys" for us every day and is quite sweet. i also can't help but admire your commitment to your chosen profession. there are sure as hell much easier ways to earn a living don't you know. you take good care and all the best in 2003."

"THIS SITE IS SOOOOO FUNNY - I mean really this gave me hours of enjoyment....BUT now I think I am a sick fuck for actually laughing my ass off. I feel no remorse. (don't tell anyone) ANYWAYS I will secretly bookmark this page and send it to all my sick friends. We will pray not to go to hell later - preferably before we die."
"Tard Blog! TARD BLOG!!! TAAAAAAAARD BLOOOOOOOG!!!!! tardblogtardblogtardblogtardblogtardblogtardblogtardblog!!!!!!!!! Oh, sweet Tard Blog. Thank you for coming into my life."
"This could very well be the funniest thing I've ever read."

"I know I'm probably gonna go to hell for laughing at the stories, but I just can't help myself. I feel so sorry for Riti just reading those stories. I probably would have strangled one of those kids by now. I can tell you one thing, I'd be touching that Augusta kid on purpose at least once a week just for fun."

"Being as I'm the brother of a retarded person, your site has stimulated deep emotions in me. I laughed my ass off. Your site is so beautiful. Don't ever change. Keep on exploiting the 'tards, I thoroughly enjoy it."

"I am sure that reading this page is placing me somewhere in an upper-management role down in hell. I feel bad, because my mother used to work with sped's a few years back...she always had stories like these and I know she wanted me to feel bad. But damn, I just can't."

"I am now half an hour late for work because i could not tear myself from the blog."

"I am sure my girlfriend would enjoy this site, but she is too busy screaming at me as I laugh ‘tard’ like at these stories. It could be that the humor is beyond her, but it’s probably just that she has an ounce of decency somewhere in her. This site has brought joy to my feeble existence."